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Let’s bake together! The Challenger collection features easy-to-follow homemade recipes from our own Jim Challenger, along with brand ambassador and James Beard Award winning baker Greg Wade. 

2 hours prep + 25 minute bake

12 rolls

30 minutes hands-on, 4-6 hr bulk, 8-12 hour overnight cold retard, 40-45 minute bake

Two 750g loaves

Prep Time: 2 hours 30 mins, Cook Time: 35 minutes

8-10 servings

2 hours 30 minutes prep + 30 minute bake

20 dinner rolls

48 hours, Bake: 40 minutes

2 loaves

Prep Time: 2 hours 30 mins, Cook Time: 35 minutes

8-10 servings

18 hours prep time + 40 minute bake

8-10 servings

10 minutes prep + 18-20 minute bake

8-10 servings

15 minute prep + 35 minute bake

About 10 slices

48 hours, Bake: 18-20 minutes

3-4 Pizzas

20 minutes prep + 45 minute bake

1 pie; serves 8-10 people

30 minutes hands-on, 45-50 minutes bake

1 cake, approx. 12 slices

1 hour hands-on, 24 hour inactive time, 8 to 9 minute bake

4 pizzas

1 hour hands-on, 24 hour inactive time, 35 to 40 minute bake

Roast Chicken and Stuffing; Serves 4

30 minutes hands-on, 16 to 20 hour cold fermentation, 25 to 35 minute bake.

10 Buns

30 minutes hands-on, 4-6 hr bulk, overnight cold retard, 2-4 hr second proof, 30-40 minute bake

Two 500g Boules

25 minutes prep + 20 minutes bake

Approximately 16 slices

30 minutes hands-on + 12 to 24 hour cold retard + 40 minute bake

One 2.4 pound loaf (1100g)

Approximately 60 minutes hands-on time + 12-hour cold retard in refrigerator

6 Gooey Sticky Buns

1 hour preparation + 12 hour proof + 2-3 hour additional proof

12 dinner rolls (50g each) + whipped honey butter

5 hours preparation + 24-hour cold retard in the refrigerator

One pie

Less than 30 minutes hands-on time + 12–24 hour cold retard in the refrigerator + 40 minutes baking

Approximately one 750g loaf (1.7 pounds)

Less than 30 minutes hands-on time plus 48-hour cold retard in the refrigerator

Approximately two 10” x 12” pizzas (250mm x 300mm)

Approximately 7 hours plus overnight proof and 1 hour for baking

Approximately one 1 1⁄2 pound loaf (750g)


Elevate your Baking

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